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Coperta XCEL


Broad spectrum fungicide for control of listed plant diseases


General purpose nonionic surfactant used for increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of various agricultural chemicals.

Comparison Products:

Induce is a registered trademark of Helena Chemical Company. R-11 is a registered trademark of Wilbur-Ellis. Activate Plus is a registered trademark of WinField. Activator 90 is a registered trademark of Loveland Products Inc. Ad-Wet 90 is a registered trademark of J.R Simplot Company. Farmers Value 90/10 is a registered trademark of Farmers Value Company.

Features & Benefits:

• Quick wetting and uniform coverage.
• Increases absorption and translocation.
• Enhances spray deposition.
• Low foaming properties.

Use With :

Herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, acaricides, defoliants, desiccants.